Saturday, November 11, 2006


WHILE...the weather keeps on getting cold your lips get vvveerrry chapped. New research at a medical institution has discovered a very affective way of keeping your lips moisturized. Its called stands for lip mitten. It is simply a lip glove! The picture to your right is a demonstration of the use of lip-mit. ---->


Cybee said...

Where can one purchase these items??? I simply MUST have one? Do they make it difficult to talk, I wonder?

Anonymous said...

ha! your lip story beats mine by a mile.

Cybee said...

I just wanted to ask you a question. I had chapped lips so wore them the other day for Thanksgiving and it was VERY HARD to eat? Is this normal?

Anonymous said...

could you express rush some lip-mits to me? Chapstick is just such a pain. . . .