During the night, crawl into their room with a white sheet over yourself and wake them up. Then take them to see their past...present...and

It will turn their frown upside down!!!
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that is pretty much the scariest looking Scrooge I've ever seen. yikes! looks more like the ghost of christmases yet to come . . . who looks like the grim reaper . . .
Actually the author of this article was just a little tired that day..you really should not go on and on about ..her...her..um..tired look? B^)
Dear Pinkmonkey, Thank you so much for setting the world straight on the size of this year's Pahlke Christmas tree. It looks humongous and not a bit like Charlie Brown's. So glad to get the hard-hitting facts!
Hard hitting Pitney Post has spotted a controversy monger in these comments! One should not infer Pitney Post was in anyway misleading in its famous "scrawny Christmas tree" hard hitting article...however it is true that PinkMonkey took an indepth analysis of the story but with a very merry spin!
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